And, we're back after a five-year hiatus. The purpose of this writing project has been rediscovered after several reframings and repositionings of its author. Since November of 2004, this blog has devoted itself to what 'two cultures' means. Back then, I had yet to read C.P. Snow's famous 1959 lecture. I simply observed variations on a theme of the failure to communicate. And in the last five years, my mind has devoted itself to thinking through the various impasses that pervade the various 'two-cultures' configurations (after all, science versus literature is only one iteration).
This week, I had two inspiring conversations with friend-interlocutors.
One was with an electron microscopist. I tried to tell him about Thomas Kuhn. He told me to read a biology book.
The other was with a scholar of German literature. She likes Dylan's poetry better. I like Cohen's.
With both friends, I'm swapping books.
In brilliant Luddite style, I un-published every post on here when I closed up shop last time. In the next year, I plan to bring some of these early sketches back with their original dates and new commentaries. That is the plan, and I think that there is finally enough momentum behind it to carry it out -- a critical mass of written praxis.